Information about the company Dac Components, Ltd in Tbilisi (Georgia) : Allbiz
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Dac Components, Ltd
+995 (32) 299-09-29

About enterprise Dac Components, Ltd

The company "DAC" was established in December 2001. Since then, its work is mainly focused on electronic spare part’s wholesale and retail trade, as well as measuring tools, electronic workshop equipment, batteries, accumulators, chargers and much more. Today "DAC" is the market leader in this sector. The company's goal is to provide users with high quality products and services. The company is in the center of the town (address: Al. Kazbegi Ave. № 7), where is the cozy atmosphere, wide selection of products and a highly qualified staff which will help you with purchasing you desired product. "DAC" is planning to expand even further, so that customers can have access to use high-quality services of other regions as well. Thank you for your attention and we hope that our web-site will help you…!


All Information about the company Dac Components, Ltd.